Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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-->[physical object]

Subcategories of physical object

---->animate (7)

---->inanimate (70)

Terminal nodes of physical object

1 ---->ajoblanco

2 ---->binignit

3 ---->bolter

4 ---->bow tie

5 ---->bowfin

6 ---->briefs

7 ---->bullying

8 ---->buttermilk koldskål

9 ---->buy and sell

10 ---->carrycot

11 ---->catechesis

12 ---->char

13 ---->chest of drawers

14 ---->clemastine

15 ---->cruncheroos

16 ---->cupcone

17 ---->dilaudid

18 ---->doffer

19 ---->earmuffs

20 ---->epitope

21 ---->escolar

22 ---->folar

23 ---->footwear

24 ---->fregula

25 ---->full slip

26 ---->gomguk

27 ---->half slip

28 ---->halfsies

29 ---->hulatang

30 ---->imoni

31 ---->janggukjuk

32 ---->kesme

33 ---->kulolo

34 ---->lance

35 ---->latimeria

36 ---->linguettine

37 ---->mafaldine

38 ---->meatcake

39 ---->mesalazine

40 ---->milter

41 ---->mollete

42 ---->muskazine

43 ---->nightwear

44 ---->outerwear

45 ---->pain de mie

46 ---->panbrioche

47 ---->passatelli

48 ---->pickerel

49 ---->pillus

50 ---->porgy

51 ---->porra antequerana

52 ---->potatiskorv

53 ---->proselytizing

54 ---->ropa

55 ---->sacchettoni

56 ---->sandals

57 ---->savore sanguino

58 ---->sfouf

59 ---->shelving

60 ---->skipjack

61 ---->socks

62 ---->spear

63 ---->standard gauge

64 ---->stockings

65 ---->sufganiyah

66 ---->sugo allamatriciana

67 ---->sweatpants

68 ---->tahini

69 ---->tampoi

70 ---->tequilaseed

71 ---->tonys turboz

72 ---->tripoline

73 ---->triticum

74 ---->underwear

75 ---->wild boar

76 ---->zosui

77 ---->šakotis

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